Tag: Lidl

Lidl Granton Road, Edinburgh, is the discounter’s largest store in Scotland.

Lidl’s largest in Scotland

Edinburgh store opens after refurbishment
Screenshots of the new Lidl app

Discounter rolls out a new app

GERMAN discounter Lidl has added another weapon to its arsenal with the launch of a new loyalty app
Lidl store

Full steam ahead for discounter

Lidl has announced it plans to create 220 new jobs in Scotland over the next 12 months.
trolley in supermarket

Early March lockdown causes huge sales uplift

March was a month like no other for the grocery market, with UK consumers making more than 79 million extra shopping trips over a four-week period.
lidl exterior

Lidl locks down lead over rivals

BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak led to a boost in spending across the grocery sector, the discounters were continuing to storm ahead in the UK, according to figures from Kantar and Nielsen.
Shopkeeper infront of Freezers

Irvine Lidl plans blocked

CONVENIENCE retailers in Irvine breathed a sigh of relief last month when plans to build a new Lidl store were quashed by the local authority.
Lidl Exterior

Festive cheer for discounters

The latest figures from Kantar for the 12 weeks to 29 December revealed Lidl was the fastest growing bricks and mortar supermarket
Christmas shopping

Sales slow for crucial period

Grocery sales in the UK were “unexpectedly slow” while approaching the peak of the ‘golden quarter’ of festive trading.

The discounters dominate again

Lidl and Aldi grow sales continuously while their rivals see growth stagnating

More questions than answers

2019 proved to be another year of uncertainty, with the impact of Brexit, DRS and the promotions ban still unclear
Man pushing trolley

Mixed fortunes at supermarkets

As the crucial Christmas trading period approaches, the UK’s grocery market continues to experience sluggish sales growth.
Lidl Eurocentral distribution centre

Huge Lidl distribution centre opens

Lidl has officially opened its £70m distribution centre on the Eurocentral industrial estate near Bellshill.
Bourtreehill Supermarket, Irvine

Bourtreehill retailer fights discounter opening

‘Lidl could take 20% of sales’

Smaller supermarkets gaining market share

Are the big four on the decline?
students at a party

Autumn brings a fresh chance

The middle of September signals the start of freshers week: when swathes of young people head off to university and get ready for four years of (allegedly) hard work.

Record market share for Aldi

While other retailers struggle, Lidl and Aldi continue to flourish .