Tag: JTI


Convenience king of cigars

Scottish stores are punching above their weight with premium performing well

Logical progression for vape category

JTI has been expanding its vaping offer with expansion for its Logic brand and double digit value sales growth

JTI launches pouch nicotine brand in UK

Something to chew on

Tackling tobacco cheats

Illicit tobacco continues to be a blight on the category and it will take collaboration from producers, retailers and government to effectively tackle the problem

Roll your own on the rise as shoppers chase low prices

Value wins out in convenience

Big distribution for mini Logic

Compact is coming to convenience .

A great celebration

2019’s convenience retail stars were shining bright as Scottish Grocer celebrated their stellar achievements .
Track and Trace has been designed to make life harder for those selling illicit tobacco products.

Track and Trace is coming soon

JTI head of communications Mark Yexley explains what new tobacco rules will mean for convenience retailers

Double the NPD, double the sales

Tobacco giant JTI has started 2019 by introducing not one, but two new products to the growing capsule market

Tackling tobacco cheats head-on

JTI has stepped up its anti-illicit trade activity through Don’t Be Complicit In Illicit, as Steve Wilkins explains
Vaping product range

Taking stock of e-cigs

The UK vaping market continues its stratospheric rise in popularity
JPS Players

Price and brand key to success

BRAND loyalty and value are at the heart of a successful tobacco offer in this post-EU TPD2 landscape

Tips on next year’s tobacco trends

Tobacco giant JTI has outlined what it reckons will be key areas of growth for 2019, with the capsule and value segments tipped for success

JTI goes lower

Effective immediately, the new lower RRPs apply to Sterling Rolling, Holborn Yellow, and Kensitas Club RYO
JTI campaign

Campaign to clampdown on fake cigs

Retailers have been urged to join the fight against illegal tobacco by JTI
JTI Advance

A 24/7 solution for tobacco sales

Making use of digital tools can have a major impact on bottom lines according to JTI