Tag: Boost Drinks

Signal value to consumers

RISING energy prices and the spectre of inflation are likely to leave many consumers feeling price-conscious this year, meaning the cost will be a major consideration for shoppers in the convenience channel.
Energy drink brands

Excitement can add to energy

Excitement and demand for new flavours are vital elements of the energy drinks category according to Adrian Hipkiss, marketing director of Boost Drinks.

Stores get a little Boost

Energy drinks brand Boost has reached its target of supporting 1,500 retailers through its coronavirus care package initiative

Energy without sugar

Value and volume growth hasn’t bred complacency as energy brands continue to invest in low and no sugar
Boost tour

Energy to the people

Boost Drinks has been celebrating a successful two-month tour of stores and head offices – in a bid to show some love to the independent sector.

Start spreading Boost’s news

Exclusive to independent retailers, the new on-pack promotion is running now across Boost Original and Original Sugar-Free 250ml cans
The Boost energy drink range in PMP format 49p

A price mark for everything

Energy drink brand puts its weight behind PMPs  ENERGY is a hugely impulsive category, making PMPs vital to success in the chiller. That’s the view of...

Chance for stores to snap up a prize

Boost launches 12 for price of 10 promo alongside one litre for £1 PMP release running through April
Price marked pack mars drinks

Milking sales in the chiller

Traditional dairy based drinks have remained consistently popular with c-store customers.
Ramge of energy drinks

Demand for wider choice

Low sugar and protein popular
Boost-Energy-4x250ML pack

Energy brand cuts sugar ahead of tax

THE levy on sugary soft drinks that’s scheduled for this April will not affect the price of Boost
Irn Bru in front of a Christmas tree

A season with some sparkle

Take-home formats shine at Christmas
Monster Ultra Citron, Boost Sugar Free and Lucozade Zero Original are among the sugar-free variants currently being championed by energy drink firms.

High energy, low in sugar

ACROSS the soft drinks category, sugar has been the big story of recent years and demand for low and no-sugar options has sky-rocketed. Energy drinks...
BOOST Protein drinks

Plain packs take first steps

BOOST Drinks is launching its flavoured milk drink in plain pack exclusively for independents.
Price-marked soft drinks have a faster rate of sale than non-PMP equivalents.

Soft drinks with real purchase

Firms reckon PMPs can push impulse


ENERGY drinks fulfil several roles during the Christmas period, according to Boost Drinks, which highlights potential sales for use as mixers, as drinks for...