Snack ‘n’ go

Research suggests the lunch hour has largely disappeared and that the average lunch break lasts 29 minutes HAS the British lunchtime become just another snacking...

Pop goes the snack habit

Crisps lose market majority status as popcorn and other snacks pile the pressure on in the snacks world BRITONS love a snack but two recent...

Mini range adds touch of ginger

BORDER Biscuits has added Dark Chocolate Gingers to its range of mini packs. Each mini contains two individually wrapped biscuits and Border says the range ...

Getting together

BIG sporting occasions like the Olympics and Euro 2016 this summer could increase demand for snacks and other big-night-in products says Kim Burgess, head...

C-stores bag lunch

FOOD-TO-GO is big, right? So specialist sandwich shops and other specific food-to-go outlets should be grabbing a major share of sales. Well HIM Research and...

The case for cash control

SAVOURY snack giant Walkers has introduced a reduced case size for its core range. The new 32 case format, replacing the 48-pack case,  is available...

Catering for hectic lives

HECTIC and busy lives are creating demand for snack and on-the-go food according to Mondelez International. And it says retailers should provide accessible features and...

Nakd claims it’s dressing up the category

REFERRING to a Mintel snacking report, Nakd  says 40% of consumers are switching to healthier snacks. It also reports that with sales amounting to £31m...

New flavours go on screen

INNOVATIVE flavours are the lifeblood of the snacks market according to popcorn brand Butterkist, which plans to spend £3m to put its new range...

Share boost for bag sales

ENTHUSIASM for sharing helped the value of chocolate sales grow by 0.9% to £3.9bn in 2015 says Mars Chocolate. Trade communications manager Bep Dhaliwal said:...

Happy birthday … have a new coat

TINY chew sweet Millions is celebrating 25 years on the shelves by covering itself in chocolate. The latest version of the Scottish brand is a...

Big brand push mixes up and breaks out

BIG brands and new products are at the centre of Nestlé activity for Easter and beyond in 2016. One launch is the introduction of the...

Adding to the excitement

CADBURY brand owner Mondelez International is turning detective this year with extensive research designed to get to the root of consumer chocolate uses and...

Putting the bite on health

HEALTHY chocolate is a term that can be met with scepticism but manufacturer Elizabeth Shaw says people are eating chocolate more healthily through portion...

Showing the price is right

Brand extensions and price-marked packs set to be part of the Swizzels strategy for sales growth in 2016. PRICE-MARKED packs have become increasingly important for...

Pineapple direction

DEMAND for fruit-flavoured spirits prompted the creation and launch of Malibu Pineapple, according to  Pernod Ricard UK. The new variety, originally launched in the USA...