Tag: SGF

Food-to-go counter

More funding for food to go

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced an additional £300,000 in funding for food to go provisions at the SGF’s conference late last month

Sarwar takes SGF role

UNITED Wholesale Scotland MD Asim Sarwar is set to take on a whole new set of duties following his appointment as the new vice-president...

Health drive shifts gear

SGF programme eyes more categories

Scottish Government confirms pursuit of DRS

Government will seek to introduce scheme but questions remain over small retailers FIRST Minister Nicola Sturgeon today (5 September) announced the Scottish Government is committed...

Divisions deepen over DRS plan

Leading retailer quits SGF over stance on scheme ONE of Scotland’s most prominent convenience retailers has withdrawn from the Scottish Grocers Federation due to their...

Shoplifters hit 100% of stores

Annual crime report finds all c-store retailers experiencing theft SHOPLIFTING appears to affect every retailer in the Scottish convenience sector, a new report has found,...
cash handling

Eliminate cash handling

WHEN considering the issue of store security, a review of cash handling and collection is often advised. The Scottish Safer Business Guide, published last month...
SGF chief executive Pete Cheema

Protect store workers

SGF looks to rekindle attempts to get emergency service link. THE Scottish Grocers Federation has called for shop workers to be given the same legal...

Nine in 10 hit by shop theft

92% of retailers affected but much going unreported, say police NINE in 10 convenience retailers experienced some form of shop theft in 2014, yet much...

Putting shops centre stage

WITH Scottish general and local elections just months away, Scotland’s convenience industry representative group the Scottish Grocers Federation has taken its message about the...

Set for a capitals showdown?

17 of 24 Queen’s Speech Bills to apply north of border and Scotland Bill could mean major Edinburgh tax and welfare powers SCOTLAND’S and the...

SGF: “Prepare for the worst”

C-STORE owners who have faced the challenge of a supermarket or discounter moving into their area told other retailers what to look out for...

Abdul’s a trekkie trainer

SCOTTISH Grocers’ Federation president Abdul Majid is hitting his Bellshill Nisa store’s healthy living shelves as he gears up to shed a kilo or...

Round Table aims for straight talk

RETAILERS and suppliers met together in Edinburgh last month to get updates on political and lobbying work being carried out by the Scottish Grocers’...
John Lee, SGF

Dodgy dealers move online

SCOTTISH retailers are facing an increasing threat from illicit traders on social media, a conference has heard. ‘What’s the Big Deal?’, organised by the Scottish...
SGF president Abdul Majid, left, signed a pledge with Keep Scotland Beautiful’s Derek Robertson, right, to clean up Scotland. The SGF has suggested members give funds from carrier bag charges to the charity.

Make the best of the bag charge

IT’S too soon to gauge the impact of the Scottish Government’s carrier bag charge, introduced in October, but it is hoped that by the...