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Tag: Scottish Retail Consortium

Heavy criticism of promo plans

Trade associations slam ScotGov plans

Worst Scottish Christmas in 20 years

Grocery sales might have been performing reasonably well, but for Scottish retail as a whole, December 2018 was the worst since the global financial meltdown of 2008

Sales worst for nearly two years

Sales decreased by 2.1% on a like-for-like basis compared to November 2017

Vacancies soar on the high street

Scottish footfall figures fall behind UK

‘Golden quarter’ starts off rusty

Traditionally the strongest quarter of the year, the last four months of 2018 got off to a slow start according to the latest retail sales figures

Councils ignoring rate relief option

Few councils use powers to cut business rates

Vacancies soar on Scotland’s high streets

Latest figures produced for SRC reveal rising vacancy rate FOOTFALL in Scottish town centres is continuing to decline, while vacancy rates are now 15% higher...
Iain Gulland

The next steps for Scottish DRS

With the Scottish Government consultation now closed ZWS boss Iain Gulland shares his views on deposit return
Glasgow City Council

Councils appeal rates

Scottish councils have been contesting their own business rates bills by appealing the rateable values for swathes of local authority owned properties

Food flourishing in Scottish stores

Food sales continue to perform well across Scotland

SRC calls for business rates freeze

SRC calls on Mackay to forgo inflationary rise

SRC not keen on new rates levers

Online and out of town tax under fire
Buchanan Street Glasgow

A strong summer in Scotland

MATCHING trends across the UK, the extended good weather of early summer saw total sales in Scotland across June increase by 2.7% year on year
David Lonsdale

Rates of confusion

SCOTLAND’S current system of business rates is unwieldy and expensive and held together by an often confusing series of reliefs, the Scottish Retail Consortium director David Lonsdale has said

Relief for retailers as sales rise

FOLLOWING the disappointment of April, retailers in Scotland saw like for like sales increase by 1.8% in May compared to the same month in 2017.

ONS report reveals lackluster growth

SRC puts politicians in spotlight over tough conditions