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Tag: Link

Free to use ATMs are still good to go says SGF

Scottish Grocers' Federation is looking to reassure convenience store retailers following worries that the number of free-to-use ATMs were set to be reduced.

Cash is still crucial

A drop in cash withdrawals during the pandemic should not signal the end for cash infrastructure, according to ATM Network LINK

Rising demand for cash

Cash machines have seen a hike in withdrawal activity over the past few weeks, according to new data from LINK.

Fee free cashback coming soon

RETAILERS could soon be able to offer free cash withdrawals to customers without any incurring any fees, following changes made to the Financial Services...
LINK ATM at Kinloss Barracks

Linking the community

A NEW free-to-use cash machine has been installed in Kinloss as part of an access to cash initiative from LINK.
Person at ATM

ATMs down, but not out

More than £81 billion of cash was withdrawn in 2020, despite a sharp decline of ATM transactions in the wake of the pandemic.
picture of money

Cash access plan

The UK Government has launched a call for evidence on access to cash

Paypoint links up to offer cash

Paypoint and Link have begun the process of installing no-fee cash machines in areas which have lost their free access to cash

Cash still crucial for Scotland

More withdrawals than London and South East .

Linking up cash with consumers

New app shows where cash can be accessed .