Suresite in Esso mix
SURESITE has been appointed by Greenergy to provide wetstock management across its Esso Dealer network.
Giving pump promos some juice
While consumers remain unlikely to purchase a new smartphone or tablet from a forecourt, DSL reckons they will buy their accessories if the price is right.
Forecourts of the future
Certas Energy’s Ramsay MacDonald looks ahead to electric possibilities on the horizon
Stores alive with sound of music
New customer research has revealed that stores playing music are more likely to be recommended by customers than those that don’t.
MFG is charging ahead
ELECTRIC charge-point provisions at Scottish forecourts are poised for a boost in numbers thanks to a new deal between ChargePoint Services and Motor Fuel Group.
Keeping ‘field to fork’ secure
Soil Association and Provenance team up to bring improved supply chain transparency
Sounding out card payments
EPOS and payments Solutions firm Bleep has launched a new payment division.
Cash in hand key
OVER half of all Scottish convenience stores now provide an ATM service as part of their offer to customers, ATM provider YourCash has revealed.
Zapper’s view on the future of payments
IN an increasingly competitive market, the need to provide an offer with added value, as well as attracting and retaining customers is only getting more important. That’s the view of mobile payment and loyalty scheme provider Zapper.
Symbol looks to the future
Costcutter has been rolling out a whole range of new equipment and upgrades across its stores.
Evolution in the back office
TLM Technologies has launched a new cloud-based reporting and alerting application for convenience and forecourt retailers.
Plenty of avenues worth investigating
New tech can take a store to the next level
Sturgeon’s forecourt flourish is under fire
First Minister’s move to bring petrol and diesel deadline forward criticised by Petrol Retailers Association chief
Five cases set to make an impact
Tribunal fees, whistleblowing, the gig economy... in the months ahead, these subjects and more will be at the heart of a number of high profile court cases
What’s the cost of taking a break?
A series of court cases over the last three years have made it hard for employers to know what elements of pay should be...
With an eye to the future
Certas continues to grow
CERTAS Energy, the firm behind forecourt brand Gulf, is continuing to push forward, expanding its forecourt footprint in Scotland to more...