Another yes campaign for 2014

LUCOZADE Energy is reviving its on-pack offer, called The Yes Project, giving consumers the chance to win adventure holidays in Cancun and European city...
Pack shot of The Balvenie The Collection of Curious Casks 14 Years Old and 18 Year Old as well as The Glenfiddich 14 Year Old.

Drams of note for National Scotch Day

National Scotch Day comes on Saturday 27 July and, as such, William Grant & Sons has touted some new launches to stock up on in time for the national day.

Grace Foods set to bring sandy shores to the UK

Grace Foods has brought a taste of the Caribbean over the sea to the UK markets with three new soft drink flavours in its Island Soda range.
Boursin back on the box

Boursin back on the box

CHEESE brand Boursin is being supported by a new ad campaign in the run up to Christmas. Brand owner Bel UK says that as the...

Tapping into tea trends

Tata Consumer Products o­ffers its assessment of the UK tea category SOME things have changed markedly over the last two years, but one thing remains...
Get More Vits reckons the new squash range will suit Scottish shoppers.

Get More Vits widens its offering

Get More Vits has widened its offering with a range of multivitamin squashes that it reckons are ideal for Scottish consumers.

Snack packs right on time

NPD taps into current consumer trends

Ugly makeover

UGLY Drinks has expanded its fruit-flavoured sparkling water range with the addition of Triple Berry, Orange and Tropical flavours to the existing Lemon and Lime variety.

Friendly Mentos

Mentos has brought back its range of limited edition ‘Say Hello’ sweets in a bid to get shoppers talking about the brand, and to each other .

A new look

SCOTTISH oatcake brand Nairn’s has given its full range a packaging overhaul, incorporating hand-painted and brighter colours.
Rowan Glen’s redesigned packs for its low-fat bio range.

Tartan direction at the glen

THREE-quarters of consumers consider yogurt a guilt-free snack and it’s particularly popular with women who are at home with children, says the team behind...

£10m treat

PREMIER Foods is putting a £10m marketing spend behind cake brand Mr Kipling in a bid to attract new shoppers and increase sales in...

French flavour for Scottish retailers

Isigny Sainte-Mère sets sail for Caledonia
The UKVIA has teamed with Smoke Free to encourage smokers to switch to vapes.

UKVIA praise Khan report

The UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) has heaped praise on a new report produced for the UK Government that backs e-cigarettes as a cessation tool.

Big can energy from Irn-Bru

IRN-Bru Energy is now available in a big can variant

Breakthrough oats

QUAKER Oats has added two gluten-free variants to its range. The introduction of a gluten-free range coincides with a packaging redesign for the entire...