Will tea’s grey pound count?

TEA, it’s an ever-present part of Scottish and British life. But, commercially, mainstream tea has found things tough in recent times. Never the most expensive...

Breakfast thoughts

THINK Food To Go. Many research studies point to increasing incidence of people breakfasting while commuting or when they reach an office desk. If...

A national obsession

TAP water is the only drink consumed more often in Britain than tea, says the team behind Unilever’s convenience store merchandising advice service, Partners...

Nigella curls up

CELEBRITY cook Nigella Lawson is the star of a new Typhoo TV ad. The 30-second commercial shows Lawson curl up on the sofa with a...

New taste of daily cuppa

Premiumisation and variety are the key words in the hot beverage market right now according to analyst Key Note. In its latest Hot Beverages market...

Scots top for out-of-home drinks

MORE than a quarter of the on-the-go food and drink packaging used in Scotland in the last year was for drinks, suggesting Scots are...
PG Tips

Tea for new

PG Tips has been given a new look in a bid, says brand owner Unilver, to stand out on the shelf and attract younger...

Vintage Horlicks

NOSTALGIA is at the centre of the latest Horlicks campaign as it celebrates its 140th anniversary. An on-pack promotion gives consumers the opportunity to collect...

Growing more than sales

YORKSHIRE Tea has teamed up with The Gruffalo and The Woodland Trust in a five-year pledge to plant one million trees in the UK...

Exclusively bagged

SPECIALIST provider Novus Tea reckons it’s one of only a few companies in the UK that can deliver premium leaf tea to a wide...

Specials rise as core tea slows

TEA is a long-established favourite in British homes. That’s as  true in Scotland as elsewhere in the UK, although there are some differences, particularly...

Specials on the move

WHEN it come to drinking tea, only the Indians, Chinese and Irish are more enthusiastic than the British. And, while the traditional deep orange...

Consumers crave a café experience

AS consumers seek to recreate coffee-shop experiences at home, the demand for luxury coffee and hot chocolate products continues to grow, says Kenco and...

Time to mug up for winter

WITH daylight hours dwindling and warm summer temperatures turning to a distant memory, consumers are set to increase spend on hot beverages and hot...

Specials up in tough market

THE UK tea market is showing no overall growth despite an upturn in sales of specialist lines such as green tea and decaf products,...

Report suggests Scots leave long-life milk on the shelf

SCOTS, it seems, can be a suspicious bunch but one packaging giant reckons that can make us wasteful. Research from Tetra Pak shows...