Tag: Dairy Crest


Diversity is on the lunch menu

Catering to a broad mix of shoppers in a hurry
New Vitalite Block

The great vegan bake off is here

Bakers have a  new free from alternative to choose from, following the launch of Vitalite’s new dairy free vegan baking block.

Taking a walk on the light side

DAIRY brand Clover has launched a reformulated Clover Light Spread that contains no artificial ingredients

Size does matter in spreads

PACK size is important to the butters and spreads shopper and is linked directly to the shopper mission.

Buttering up for breakfast

WHERE are customers eating their breakfast? It’s a question worth asking when deciding what to stock and Neil Stewart of Dairy Crest may have the answer.
range of free from products

Ramping up the free-from range

WHETHER it’s a gluten intolerance or an avoidance of meat and dairy, today’s consumer comes with varying dietary requirements with many seeking out specialist products.
From confectionery to coffee, soft drinks to dairy, enough products now come in price-marked packs that retailers can fill the shelves of their stores with them, if they so wish.

True value can shine through

PMPs a winner with customers seeking quality at a fair price READING any news around the economy or Brexit is rarely a cheery affair –...

Digging into a healthy lunch

New trends breed opportunity YOU can’t put a price on health but any retailer who chooses to ignore the increased importance shoppers are now placing...

A multipack dairy snack

Dairy Crest, the firm behind Cathedral City, has expanded its snack range with the launch of Cathedral City Snack Bar multipacks. Available in Mature and...

A broad range brings people in

ONE format doesn’t fit all when it comes to butters and spreads, according to research conducted on behalf of Dairy Crest, which suggests the...

Appealing to the masses

Setting up your store to meet demand IT’S not so long ago that hardly a person in the street could tell you what free-from food...

Value in visibility

The decision to take the United Kingdom out of the EU has created economic uncertainty and shaken consumer confidence, according to Dairy Crest. And it...
Skippy Peanut Butter

Kids demand fun at lunch

CHILDREN are reclaiming lunchtime with flavour and convenience top of their wish lists according to Bel UK which says it is responding with an...
Cathedral City

C-stores best for cheddar

CHEDDAR is champion and Scottish c-stores are staying ahead of the game as the value of cheese sales falls, says Cathedral City brand owner...

Cheddar surge

CHEESE sales continue to be dominated by cheddar and in a highly competitive market Cathedral City is significantly outperforming its peers, according to brand...

Butter into value lead

Margarines and other spreads hold on to higher volumes but  butter now takes 52% of cash Few food and drink categories remain still for long....