Time to cross the digital divide?

IS the digital revolution boosting or hampering local stores? Can wifi, social media, web-based commerce and more make a positive contribution to a retail...

Here is the news

FOR specialist systems provider Reposs 2013 was always going to be an important period in the EPOS world. Earlier this year director Robert Holder...

Positively NISA

Nisa Retail has its own in-house EPOS solution, Epositive, which it says provides wide functionality – from simple scanning of products to the handling...
Auto Time Solutions

Biometric analysis

WORKFORCE management system provider Auto Time Solutions says that in industries like convenience retailing, which employ large hourly-paid workforces, issues such as staff lateness...

A smoking gun? fuel price-fixing investigations

THE UK’s Office of Fair Trading has found few problems with fuel pricing. But in May offices of some of the world’s leading fuel...
The Flower Power air freshener

Power of flower – New scents for home & on the road

CAR and home care supplier 151 Products has developed a collection of Gerbera-style flower air fresheners for homes and cars. The eight-strong floral-inspired range...

Symbol living – Changing times in fuel supply sector

FORECOURT operators could be suggesting their fuel customers put a Nisa, a Best-one, a Premier, or a Spar in their tanks as some of...

Fuelling flexibility – Greenergy offers deals to suit

THE UK’s fuel supply market has changed dramatically in recent years with many of the oil giants ending their involvement in refining in the...

Don’t lose it – Tools for fuel management

WITH fuel prices rising and margins under pressure from every angle it’s essential not to lose stock. Wetstock management specialists provide petrol dealers with...

Petrol pay phone

TECHNOLOGY firm Micros Systems has launched MiFuel, a system that enables drivers to pay for fuel with mobile phones. With MiFuel, drivers register once and...

A question of symbol logic?

◆ Your special symbol store guide in 2013 ◆ Overviews, updates and advice ◆ And news for retailers from some of Britain’s leading symbol store groups BRITAIN’S retail landscape is...

Londis – Keeping it in the family

SYMBOL store operation Londis, part of the Musgrave Group, sees itself as a family-run business that deals, frequently, with family-run retail businesses. It offers...

A tailor-made service to suit retail

IN a highly competitive market, retailers need to find a point of difference and be able to offer their customers something that others don’t....

A time of change – Symbol store retailing

PROBABLY the biggest business news story in recent times on the symbol store scene has been the developments at Costcutter and Palmer & Harvey. The...

Make sure the deal works

ON the face of it, it looks as if just about every retailer could benefit from symbol/fascia membership. You and your fellow symbol members...
Peter Muir is head of rating with Colliers International in Scotland.

A rates strategy that will do serious harm

One of Scotland’s leading rating experts argues that businesses in Scotland should lobby urgently for a Holyrood u-turn by Peter Muir THE Scottish Government has...