#MeToo highlights in-work harassment
With harassment firmly in the public eye and staff empowered to complain, it is important for retailers to have solid policies to create a safe work environment in their stores.
MUP may not be the silver bullet
Licensing specialist Janet Hood reflects on the long-debated minimum unit pricing measure and considers whether it will have the desired affect on the nation’s health.
Saving energy
SAVING on energy is welcome in any business and chiller firm Adande Refrigeration reckons it’s got a new cabinet that could cut bills
Nisa and easy orders
NISA has developed a new mobile app offering its members a new way to place orders
Digital future for c-stores
PayPoint backs innovation
The dangers of employing family
Mixing family and business is a long tradition in the grocery sector, but as many will have experienced, it is not always plain sailing
Wholesale change at Today’s
IT’S all change at Today’s Group as the symbol appoints a new managing director while welcoming two independent wholesalers into the fold.
Forty years on and all fired up
UWG celebrates big birthday
Tread carefully with cash in hand
What are the risks and tax issues associated with paying cash to workers?
Cleaning up at Ardeer Services
When a forecourt turns laundromat
Promotions a big hit for Jet
Four in five forecourts on board
Challenges new for O’Loughlin
Michael O’Laughlin takes on a new role at Motor Fuel Group.
Turn and face the change
Swadling hails forecourt retailers’ adaptability with shift to a convenience focus paying off
FEW sectors are affected by so many variables as forecourt retailing, exposed as...
The forecourt nerve centre
Software promises centralised control
Call for help on human trafficking
Forecourt car washes have been flagged as one of a number of sectors where human trafficking victims may be trapped in forced labour.
Aromas of ice cream
THERE’S more to forecourts than fuel and pay and Rob Keeling, managing director at home fragrance supplier Airpure, reckons his firm has just the...