
A fresh look for forecourts

Jet retail business manager Oliver Muller has Scottish ambitions .

App aims at illegal sites

The Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) teamed up with anti-modern slavery campaign The Clewer Initiative to launch a new Safe Car Wash app .

A solid outlook for forecourt retailing

Petrol Retailers Association chief executive Brian Madderson talks filling station numbers, fuel price flux and signs of stability for the sector’s future .
Claire McKee

Avoid discriminating on a religious basis

Several cases have examined discrimination on the grounds of an employer’s religion or belief, as opposed to an employee’s. Claire McKee, of Dentons, looks at the challenges of these claims .

Supporting staff with disabilities at work

Laura Morrison, an employment lawyer with Dentons, looks at what retailers’ responsibilities are concerning staff with disabilities .
Fiona Gorry

Automatic unfair is one to be aware of

Facing an unfair dismissal claim can be a daunting prospect for an employer, but an allegation of ‘automatically unfair dismissal’ adds a further dimension to such cases, as specialist Fiona Gorry explains

A caring approach for retail employers

Laura Morrison of Dentons looks at employer responsibilities under the law

Next steps for the SWA

Change looks to be the major theme for the Scottish Wholesale Association’s 2019 annual conference this summer, with new faces at the top across the board .

Pushing forward in convenience

Chris Gallacher says UWS has big plans for 2019, with plenty of support for independents .

Snap your way to a healthy diet

Foodvisor is an artificial intelligence (AI) app that provides a nutritional report based on a picture of your plate of food .

WHSmith gets in the fast lane

Retailer rolls out cutting edge refrigeration to cut energy output .

Get appy to boost sales

Retailers who use apps to notify their customers of discounts and deals are on the right track, according to a new study .

Online food orders thrive

Millennials are fuelling the demand .

Tapping into social can drive footfall

Convenience retailers share their tips on how to make the most of social media for your store .
Jet’s contemporary new look.

Jetting into the future

FUEL brand Jet has unveiled a new-look prototype forecourt in response to dealer and consumer feedback.

Investing in retail

Cornerstone attracting buyers for retail properties .