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Stuck with illegal stock

Data suggests retailers left with tobacco stock they can’t sell THOUSANDS of retailers may have been left with tobacco stock it is now illegal for...
Picture of Gillian Martin minister for climate action at the Scottish Government.

MSPs pass new bill on single-use item charges

The Scottish Government has passed its Circular Economy Bill that will give local authorities the power to add extra charges on disposable single-use items.

Co-op develops a taste for gin

THE Co-op has expanded its gin range by listing spirits from 10 Scottish companies, following a year in which the firm said gin sales...

Self service is made for forecourts

EPOS equipment supplier Point Four has launched a new self-service checkout facility that’s tailor-made for forecourt and convenience retailers. ServeAssist checkouts have been designed to...

Coconut in a can

COCONUT water soda Big Boss Palm has landed in the UK. Big Boss Palm’s coconut and vanilla soda is said to taste like a “clean...
festive shopping aisle

Christmas cost more

Christmas dinner was more costly for consumers in 2021, according to the latest grocery sales data from Kantar.

Perking up breakfast with Percol

The team behind Percol coffee reckons there’s a real opportunity for retailers to cash in with a more premium coffee range.  

Nisa board recommends Co-op offer

The Co-op has offered to buy 100% of Nisa shares for up to £137.5m THE Co-op Group has made an offer to purchase Nisa, which...
Pricecracker Dundee

Rolling with regulations

Awards profile - Tobacco Retailer of the Year Award. Interview with Akhtar Muhammed.
PayPoint has been replacing its old yellow box with new PayPoint One.

Positive for PayPoint

PAYPOINT has enjoyed another six months of growth

Prices hold firm despite empty shops

ONE in ten stores in Scotland is lying empty according to a new report.
Penny in sugar

Sugar levy is not too taxing

THE big day is almost here. From 6 April soft drinks with more than 5g of sugar per 100ml – which translates to 16.5g for a 330ml can - will be subject to a sugar tax.
Lifestyle Extra Motherwell

Taxing times in the drinks aisle

As the sugar levy on soft drinks comes into effect, Scottish Grocer asks some retailers how it is working

A five year low for April sales

RETAILERS in Scotland experienced their toughest month in five years in April according to the latest figures from the Scottish Retail Consortium and KPMG.

Big winners

Industry figures gather in Edinburgh to celebrate the best in Scottish produce

Concerns over Brexit continue

Experts warn of the dangers of no deal WITH just seven months to go until Britain leaves the EU in March 2019, the future for...