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Yousaf says no to DRS compensation

First Minister Humza Yousaf says there is no case for compensation over the delay to Scotland's DRS prompting outrage from the retail channel.

Feel better profit factor

Scotland’s c-stores are at the heart of the latest national efforts to improve the country’s diet and well being. And these days the healthy...
Lincoln & York offer plenty of solutions for retailer coffee needs so consumers can get their day off to a good start.

Lincoln & York drive solutions in coffee to go

Lincoln & York Coffee Roasters category insight manager Richard Milner offers retailers advice on ways to attract consumers into their c-stores.

Land of the free

There are more free-from products available than ever before. But, to make the most of a booming market, what should c-stores stock? And how...
Anne-Laure Farrar, market insight manager with The Knowledge Bank.

Retailers told to think local

An insights expert is advising Scottish c-store retailers to focus on local supplies as the channel is forecast to become increasingly important.

MPs to be targeted in PayPoint row

NEWSAGENTS and small retailer representative organisation the NFRN plans to apply political pressure in its battle with payment services firm PayPoint, which has lowered...

Tennent’s prepares for the celebrations to come

Tennent's gears up for the end of year celebrations with tips for retailers to make the most out of the different events that come with the Golden Quarter.

Bring it on

Renfrew retailer Mohammed Jamil reveals his plan to open a new c-store across the street from Aldi By John McNee MOHAMMED Jamil has 25 years of...

Great efforts for GroceryAid

GroceryAid fundraising has been getting underway in Scotland as of late with bosses for the charity discussing the success of its latest events.

A thirst for a special offer

Price-marked packs have become the new norm in many product categories in convenience outlets. That’s unlikely to change anytime soon. But there are some...
Dipoti has called for clarity, while the SGF has launched a vape recycling scheme.

UK Government opens vape debate

Industry bodies have set out to allay concerns over disposable vapes after the UK Government launched a consultation amid fears about youth vaping.

Simpson drinks bill rejected

THE attempt to introduce a wide series of new measures designed to further restrict alcohol sales and marketing looks likely to fail after a...

Walker’s Shortbread has a premium offer

Walker's Shortbread aims to bring in the premium snacking option for consumers seeking a cosy night in on the couch this winter season.

Price hike slammed by NFRN

THE NFRN has slammed news wholesaler Menzies for its decision to hike charges.

Scotland’s top brands: 2. Graham’s The Family Dairy

Scottish Grocer puts the spotlight on the top Scottish take-home food and drink brands in Scotland using the list compiled by Kantar, here taking a look at brand No.2 – Graham's The Family Dairy.
Sak Gosal

Can retailers prevent tax?

Industry responds to ‘shape up’ message from FSS FOOD industry bodies and c-store retailers have reacted with concern to growing calls for the introduction of...