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Figures from the Scottish Retail Consortium KPMG Scottish Retail Sales monitor showed that, in February, total food sales in Scotland suffered their biggest drop, excluding Easter variations, since the programme’s records began in January 1999.

Food sales slump in February chill

Like-for-likes down more than 3% as competition and margin pressures lead to the biggest drop this century A WET, windy February brought bitter news for...

Middle ground feels the heat

Waitrose and discounters take share from giants as symbols and independents edge down in tough fight THE big four supermarkets’ battle for the middle ground...
Times may have been tough in recent years but retailers surveyed by confectionery wholesaler Hancocks seem to think things have been looking up more recently and they expect confectionery to do well in 2014.

Sweet taste of good times

Confectionery wholesaler finds retailers upbeat about 2013 and forecasting a good time ahead FOOD and drink sales figures reported by the Scottish Retail Consortium have...

Low pay body says raise wage

Commission recommends 3% NMW increase to £6.50 THE Low Pay Commission, the body which advises the Westminster government on the rate of the National Minimum...
Tesco has opened several stores in Glasgow’s west end but Say No to Tesco wants chain store numbers to be capped.

Every little doesn’t help

Glasgow group wants limits placed on multiple convenience chains But shops group says retail giants bring business back to high streets A GROUP of residents in...
Been there, ate it, got the T-shirt! Three gentlemen in Scotmid show they’re hot stuff after each devouring a Stuart’s Fiery Pie.

Scotmid’s life of pie

IS independent co-operative Scotmid going pie-eyed? The retailer invited brave consumers in some of its stores to ‘try a Fiery Pie’. The pies, made by baker...
Colin Smith, centre, managing director of Lothian Stores, with fellow directors Graham Benson, left, and David Sands, right, on site at the Pinkie project near Musselburgh.

A shop of all the talents

TAKE a portion of long wholesaling experience, add more than a dash of award-winning retailing nous and mix it with a significant quantity...
Unseasonably warm weather is likely to have depressed sales of comfort food and contributed to a flat food and drinks performance in Scotland in January.

Mild weather sales up but food falls flat

WILD weather might have made for disappointing Christmas sales, but a lack of snow meant consumers had the confidence to get out and spend...

Food ideas find 4000 fans

2014 Speciality Show titles reward food champs and Orkney producers plan an island festival SCOTLAND’S Speciality Food Show 2014 has announced the winners of its...
John Drummond

Working for a fake-free future

INDUSTRY groups the Scottish Grocers’ Federation and the Scottish Wholesale Association joined forces with the Scottish Anti-Illicit Trade Group to take a message about...
Chancellor George Osborne

Minimum wage could jump 11%

SUBSTANTIAL increases in the rate of the national minimum wage over the next two years look likely after chancellor of the exchequer George Osborne...

McColl’s group to come to market

CONVENIENCE store and newsagent chain McColl’s Retail Group is to float on the London Stock Exchange. The company aims to complete an initial public offering...
Keith Fernie

David Sands back in retail

CONVENIENCE retail entrepreneur David Sands is returning to the industry with a new store – trading under the Nisa Local fascia – in Glenrothes. Sands,...
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games mascot Clyde helps AG Barr look forward to the summer festival of sport.

Barr to spend £12m on games push

THE opening ceremony of the 2014 Commonwealth Games is less than six months away and excitement is building in Glasgow as the city prepares...
David Lonsdale, director, Scottish Retail Consortium.

Gales and promos see festive slowdown

WILD weather and price-cutting promotions may have contributed towards a disappointing Christmas month for Scotland’s shops, according to the latest Scottish Retail Consortium/KPMG Scottish...
Morrisons was the big loser among the giant grocers over the Christmas period. Kantar Worldpanel’s total till roll figures showed it down 1% on the previous year. Nielsen had it down 2%. Morrisons own figures showed its like-for-like sales down 5.6%.

Giants in bleak Christmas

Multiple and indie c-stores sales up as supermarkets falter CHRISTMAS brought a degree of trading joy for convenience stores and good results for discounters...