Tag: halloween


Appy days

MINI Babybel’s special edition spooky packaging is back for the second year. This year there is also an app, called Babybel Buddies, where consumers...

Oven dready

HALLOWEEN is now one of the baking high points of the year, with home cooks keen to rustle up creepy cupcakes, slime-drenched biscuits and...
Pumpkin pie might have been on the menu as Halloween contributed to a late surge in Scotland’s retail food sales in October

Halloween gives food a bump – October analysis

GHOULS, ghosts and cold weather gave Scotland’s food sales an 11th hour bump in the night in October, returning results that led retail industry...

Spooky snack attack

LEADING soft drinks, cakes, snacks and biscuit producers are intensifying launch and marketing activity on Halloween-themed products in an attempt to boost sales during...

Fright night turns sweet

IT might be kids’ stuff to some but the annual ghosts and ghouls festival of Halloween has become one of the most important seasonal...
Betty Crocker

Bakers who mix it up – Home baking latest

Kits and accessories aim to bring the cup cake revolution to every home and store THE image of the domestic goddess in her frilly pinny...