
Technology can help list vital allergy ingredients

Avoiding risk in food to go
Human trafficking campaign image

Call for help on human trafficking

Forecourt car washes have been flagged as one of a number of sectors where human trafficking victims may be trapped in forced labour.

EPOS solutions fit for today’s retailer

Faisal Sattar of Mhouse Solutions in Motherwell discusses its EPOS system, called MPOS

More grocers say small is beautiful

SIGNIFICANT changes in the food and drink retailing scene, including the rise of discounters, and the disruptive effect that has had on the once...
Brian Madderson, chairman of the Petrol Retailers’ Association.

Better outlook for UK petrol retailing?

AFTER a very long period of tough trading circumstances for fuel retailers there have been signs that some things might be better than before,...
Steve O'Neill

Turning attention to the back office

As PayPoint continues its expansion into EPOS, marketing manager Steve O’Neill explains why he thinks the new system adds value for retailers

Gulf fuels good causes

MORE than £50,000 has been distributed to good causes across the UK thanks to Gulf Retail’s Oomph loyalty programme.
TLM’s new estate management software allows retailers to watch over multiple sites from a central location, keeping on top of rents, repairs, and maintenance.

The forecourt nerve centre

Software promises centralised control

Fuelling up profit

THE rapid expansion of independent forecourt operator Motor Fuel Group has been recognised by the Sunday Times, which ranked the firm as second in its 19th BDO Profit Track 100.

Don’t lose it – Tools for fuel management

WITH fuel prices rising and margins under pressure from every angle it’s essential not to lose stock. Wetstock management specialists provide petrol dealers with...
Katie Lamb

The National Living Wage – the details

Staff costs changed significantly for many convenience retailers in the spring and there’s more to come with the NLW scheduled to reach £9...

United opens at the double

GLASGOW-based United Wholesale Scotland aimed to deliver a knock-out blow last month when former world champion boxer Amir Khan starred at the opening of...
EDGEPoS Self-Checkout

Innovations on their way

Retailers encouraged to use machines for improved efficiency and stronger margins
Audrey Junner

Stand and deliver

Audrey Junner, partner at Hill Brown Licensing, offers some insights into the dos and don’ts of alcohol delivery

Shop, post office and rooms in Perthshire

A traditional Post Office and shop in the Perthshire village of Comrie has been placed on the market through commercial property agents Cornerstone. The...

Small town chances for convenience?

Property firm’s report highlights Scotland’s changing retail landscape LAST year saw signs of recovery in some of Scotland’s town centres, with convenience stores playing a...