Spar supports Scarlett

SPAR Scotland donated £6,000 to a fund that supports the British Heart Foundation and Yorkhill Children’s Charity. The Scarlett Fund is run by the parents...
Beano annual 2015

Beano takes top spot

THE Beano was number one selling annual at Christmas 2014, said its publisher DC Thomson. With sales worth more than £1m at retail price it...
Scottish Retail Consortium, David Lonsdale, Iain Gulland, Zero Waste Scotland, A Better Retailing Climate,

Retail pitches 2020 vision

THE Scottish Retail Consortium used its Holyrood Parliamentary Reception, last month, to launch a new set of commitments for environmental sustainability, including targets to...

Growth predicted for chilled foods

HEALTHY eating is driving the market for chilled foods in the UK, but convenience and quality continue to influence buying decisions. Those are some of...
Lees, Clive Miquel

Aiming to join the sweet life

Lees has boosted its bottom line now it’s boosting its brand. SCOTTISH biscuits and cakes company Lees had a standout year in 2013 when it...
Premier, forecourts, c-stores, convenience store,

Change to survive

Sebastian Nonis re-tied his independent Dundee filling station to fuel brand Jet last year. Once again he showed his commitment to a business that...
Petrol Retailers Association, forecourts, c-stores, convenience store,

Falling prices keep the pressure on

As the price of oil continues to tumble John McNee talks to Brian Madderson, chairman of the Petrol Retailers Association, about the impact on...
Spar, forecourts, c-stores, convenience store, shopping, service station,

Gala days for Spar in the Borders

ADAM Purves is a well-known name in the Borders. Established in 1879 as a blacksmith, the company moved into fuel and car sales, establishing...
Mondelez International, Malteaster Bunny, Nestlé, confectionery, Bestway, Batleys, easter,

Impulse for a happy Easter

RETAILERS should have begun their push for Easter sales last month according to wholesaler Bestway Batleys. And the company reckons c-store operators will achieve the...
The new range of chilled desserts from Spar, with RRP between £1 and £2.80.

Sweet but simple

WITH buying something for ‘tonight’s tea’ becoming an increasingly frequent reason for shoppers to visit c-stores it’s essential that retailers provide quick and easy...

Powering up the everyday choice

FAIRTRADE Foundation is encouraging shoppers to ask UK retailers to switch to Fairtrade in a stock challenge during Fairtrade Fortnight 23 February – 8...
One Stop CEO Tony Reed.

One Stop confirms Scottish expansion

Firm “excited about the level of interest from independents” TESCO-owned convenience store operator and franchise operation One Stop has officially announced that it’s bringing...

Online sales set to dominate vaping?

THE use of e-cigarettes and, in particular, vaping equipment and liquids is growing but traditional stores may find it difficult to compete for sales...

Tobacco giant tips economy brands to soar

IMPERIAL Tobacco is advising retailers to make the most of the growing economy tobacco sector in 2015. Jo Wren, head of consumer marketing at Imperial...

Empty shops gap narrows

Research finds Scotland’s retail vacancy rate falling faster than GB trend – but there are huge differences between towns THE number of empty shops in...

Drinks groups push for 2% duty cut

THE Wine and Spirit Trade Association and Scotch Whisky Association have launched a new campaign calling for a 2% cut in alcohol duty at...