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Sales down but profit steady at Scotmid

EDINBURGH-based Scotmid Co-operative returned £2m operating profit (for the 26 weeks ended 1st August, 2015) slightly down on the previous year, on revenue down...

Superheroes smash record

BUNGEE jumps, head-shaving events and much more all contributed to the record-breaking year when staff and members of Scotmid Co-operative raised £370,000 for blood...
Müller Wiseman Dairies

Mooving on up

MILK producer Müller Wiseman Dairies aims to put a bit of the white stuff on faces across the UK this month. It’s teaming up with...

Brownlies best of Best-one

RETAILERS from South Lanarkshire and Stirling were among the stars at Bestway and Batley’s Retail Development Awards 2015. Donna and Bruce Morgan, of Best-one Brownlies...

Rates set to vary

SHOPS of similar size and rateable value in different parts of Scotland could find themselves paying significantly different commercial rates after the country’s local...

Rogue tobacco maintains sales

Latest figures show illicit cigarettes hold up as legitimate sales tumble CRIMINALS using illicit methods and networks may have sold 4bn cigarettes in the...

One to watch

C-store in West Lothian undergoes full transition to relaunch as One Stop franchise THE latest One Stop franchise store has opened in West Lothian, following...

Built to succeed

The owner of Day-Today Overtown, one of the first Day-Today Elite stores to be built from scratch, discusses its first months of trading. THE...

Bag numbers fall

THE number of carriers bags issued to shoppers in Scotland has crashed since the introduction of the 5p levy a year ago. Zero Waste Scotland...

Building from the ashes

MAYFAIR and Amber Leaf brand-owner JTI, is working with recycling organisation TerraCycle, to provide a free way to recycle cigarette waste. Retailers,...

Tobacco firms launch TPD advice

TOBACCO giants Imperial Tobacco and JTI have issued retailer advice on proposed changes to tobacco law. • Imperial has launched Partnering for Success, a project...

Shopping in the age of impulse

INCREASING numbers of shoppers are kicking the habit of the big weekly shop and pre-prepared shopping lists could also be in decline according to...

Fresh not for everyone – analyst

SUCCESSFUL development of a range that suits its customers is one of the most important aspects of convenience retailing says specialist analyst HIM Research...

Retailer groups slams Camelot support charges

RETAILER representative group the NFRN has criticised National Lottery organiser Camelot’s introduction of new 0844 payable telephone numbers for retailer support services. The organisation said...

Report says tax sugar goods

PRESSURE to tax food and drinks containing substantial amounts of sugar appears to be rising. The Westminster parliament was petitioned to hold a debate...

We weathered the storm

Turnover in the first six months of the trading year at independent co-operative Scotmid was down £6m on last year. But profit remained almost...