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Craft ale from whisky town

THE latest part of Scotland to hit the craft beer trail is the famous whisky town of Keith in Banffshire, where the Keith Brewery...

Soft drinks contribute £11bn

BRITAIN’S soft drinks industry, under fire from some health activists who want to cut public use of sugar, sustains over 340,000 jobs and contributes...

Discounters take 10%

Symbols hold steady but supermarket decline goes on and price deals account for a third of sales. £1 in every £10 spent in...

New Start for tobacco sales

IMPERIAL Tobacco has begun distributing Start packs to retailers to keep them updated with the latest legislative and tobacco category information. Sophie Hogg, head of...

Are you a marketing star?

SCOTLAND’S marketing industry is looking for its own award-winning stars and they don’t need to be part of a big company with a major...

Retailers miss out on sales boost says JTI

THE majority of retailers are failing to take advantage of an increase in cigar sales over the Christmas period, according to tobacco giant JTI. The...

The giant c-stores

BRITISH shopping habits are changing and shoppers are increasingly shopping ‘little and often’ for c-store-sized basket loads. But that doesn’t mean they’re always...

Start the year with something special

MORE than a third of the 150 exhibitors at Scotland’s Speciality Food Show in January will be exhibiting at the show for the first...

Down on the farm

In almost two decades of working in wholesale and symbol sectors Colin Smith saw many retail businesses come and go. As regional manager for...

Year of haves and have nots

Dominated by trends like low-sugar, low-alcohol and gluten-free, 2015 was a year when what products didn’t contain became almost as important as what they...

Liquid investments

Alcohol is a crucial category for convenience store operators across the UK and ranges must be planned carefully to maximise the effectiveness of the...

We couldn’t do without…

Scottish c-store retailers offer their product and category recommendations for 2016 Asif Akhtar, Premier Smeaton Stores. Key category of 2015: Basic convenience. Things like bread, milk,...

Freezing out wasted food

Food waste is a hot political and environment  topic at present. It looks as if Scottish consumers are, like those in other parts of...

Indulging the health trend

Even when indulging at Christmas and New Year parties, a growing number of adults remain health-conscious about snacking, claims Phil Gowland, head of marketing...

£5,000 Green Grant for Scottish C-Stores

Scotland's convenience stores are to be given access to a funding pot of £100,000 to improve their energy efficiency. The Convenience Store Resource Efficiency Grant...
One Stop

Black Friday weekend for One Stop

BLACK Friday has long been a major event in the calendar for retailers in the USA, and the last few years have seen a...