The price of confidence – PMP’s

IT seems hard to imagine but there was a time when price-marked packs were few and far between in c-stores. In the days before...

Convenience fuel – essential soft drinks

Though growth has slowed compared to the stellar performance of last year, soft drinks still provide massive turnover for c-stores AS the figures quoted in...

The sweet life – confectionery

• Consumers frequently tell researchers that confectionery is one of the main reasons they visit c-stores • But confectionery is also one of the most impulsive of...
Mark Thomson, Kantar Worldpanel

Hello honey monster – sweet spreads

WHEN it comes to choosing what to spread on our toast, we Scots want jam today, and perhaps other things tomorrow – especially honey...

Serving up hot stuff – essential FTG

SOME of the most experienced researchers covering the convenience retail industry are convinced we’ll see major changes soon. One of the predictions is that...

Dessert essence – essential indulgence

CONFECTIONERY may provide everyday treats but – with staying in now having virtually replaced going out in many households – there’s a place for...

Serving the big night bar – essential drinks

Big nights in have provided opportunities for c-stores in many product categories. It means the beers, wines and spirits section is going through...

Dark opportunities – essential tobacco

• Cigarettes and tobacco purchase is one of the top reasons to visit a c-store • Many smokers buy their cigarettes, cigars and tobacco in stores that...

A growing option – essential e-cigs

E-CIGARETTES have been around for some time but sales seem to have taken off in recent months. Kits and products vary but essentially they’re designed...

Don’t forget the rosé

• Beers for the football and pizzas still solid night-in favourites • Dips add value to sharing-sized snacks • Chilled wine a major advantage over the supermarkets CITY retailers Iain...

Food matching – Soft drinks for nights-in

SOCIAL occasions with friends and family provide the perfect opportunity for retailers to drive extra sales of food and drink meant for sharing, such...

Snack luxury to beat the credit crunch

THE trend to home entertainment has increased demand for premium snacks as consumers look for affordable luxuries to enjoy while cutting spending overall, says...

The cold advantage

THE recession-prompted trend towards entertaining at home still presents a great opportunity for small retailers in 2013, despite an absence of sporting events on...

Retailers missing a big night trick

WRIGLEY Confectionery, the firm behind Skittles and Starburst, reckons many retailers still don’t appreciate the opportunities that the consumer trend to home leisure presents. Independent...

Mixing the cocktail night in

WITH 44% of shoppers expecting to have more big nights in, switched-on retailers should focus on providing products for fun evenings indoors over the...

Drinks making their mark

CHEERING news for retailers: HIM research shows 90% of consumers would consider buying price-marked spirits. With that in mind, last year Diageo introduced PMPs...