Tag: SRC

Late Easter saves sluggish sales

Lacklustre seasonal boost means underlying food sales are in decline Holyrood says first quarter retail growth shows economy is in steady growth A late Easter...
The Scotmid store at Barnton in Edinburgh, one the independent co-op’s premium fresh stores.

Food stays good says Scotmid

Scotmid saw its profit dip last year. In all the circumstances, says chief executive John Brodie, it was a reasonable result. AS reported in the...
Sunshine and sporting silverware brought shoppers out in July, buying barbecue staples, ice cream, soft fruit and even ice cubes.

Food leads new sales surge – Weather and winning credited

Are we in recovery? Scottish sales performance best for more than two years as we storm ahead of overall UK stats A feelgood July has...
REPRESENTATIVES groups for Scotland’s large and small shops gave a cautious welcome to the news that retailers will have to charge for plastic carrier bags from next year.

Shops group welcomes charity move on bags

REPRESENTATIVES groups for Scotland’s large and small shops gave a cautious welcome to the news that retailers will have to charge for plastic carrier...
A spell of good weather in May saw sales of barbecue meats, charcoal, picnic snacks and salads increase. Food price inflation decreased and overall prices actually fell.

May weather lifts the retail mood

Monitor findings show Scottish sales are better than before but still lag behind overall UK performance SCOTTISH stores reported slow but steady growth throughout May,...
After a cold start April warmed up and ready meals and Mediterranean foods including pizza, salad and exotic fruit saw sales increase.

Sales down but life is good

Monitor shows record drop but partners say it’s all down to early Easter and Scotland is now keeping up with UK on food AFTER a...