Tag: Scotty Brand

Whether its from scratch or from the chiller, Scotty Brand reckons it has it sorted for consumers' Burns Suppers.

Keep it Scottish for Burns Night

Burns Night presents plenty of opportunities to drive up sales of Scottish products as consumers look to celebrate with the traditional supper.

Scotland’s top brands: 11-20

Scottish Grocer puts the spotlight on the top Scottish take-home food and drink brands in Scotland using the list compiled by Kantar, here taking a look at brands 11-20.
Tartan banner with text reading top 50 scottish brands 2022

Scotland’s Top Brands: 10-19

Spotlight on the top Scottish food and drink brands of 2022 from 10-19.

Spuds shed plastic

Packaging changes at Scotty Brand have resulted in a reduction of almost 27 tonnes of plastic in the last year

It’s got the be Ayrshire spuds

The European Commission (EC) has granted a geographic protection to Ayrshire's spuds .

Scotty adds soup pot

SCOTTISH produce firm Scotty Brand has added  a vegetable soup to its portfolio. The 550g pot is designed to serve two portions and features ingredients...
Scottish Grocer Awards 2016

Who will be the convenience retailing champs?

We’re busy getting organised for the biggest night on the Scottish convenience retailing industry’s social calendar – the Scottish Grocer Awards 2016. Thursday’s big event...
Scotty Brand

Three for the pot – Scotty Brand

SCOTTY Brand, the food range that started with Scottish potatoes and vegetables, has extended its portfolio with the introduction of three Scotty Brand Fresh...
Summer fresh

Summer fresh – Sales heating up for Scotty Brand

AWARD-winning Scottish soft fruit supplier Scotty Brand is feeling the full effects of the scorching weather we’ve had for part of the summer. Its strawberries...
SCOTTISH produce specialist Scotty Brand is welcoming summer with new soft fruits and salad leaves. The strawberries, from Bruce Farm in Ayrshire, will arrive in stores this month, with the raspberries joining them in July.

Salad days for Scotty Brand

SCOTTISH produce specialist Scotty Brand is welcoming summer with new soft fruits and salad leaves. The strawberries, from Bruce Farm in Ayrshire, will arrive...