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Tag: COVID-19

Keep Britain Working website

Recruitment drive

A CAMPAIGN seeking to preserve jobs during the coronavirus crisis has launched, with the goal of redeploying workers from struggling sectors into “in-demand” roles.
Dispoable coffee cup

Cup charge postponed

PLANS to charge a deposit on disposable coffee cups have been shelved as the Scottish Government dedicates resources to tackling the coronavirus
Closed shops

Grants for all stores

Scottish Government u-turns on grant rules to offer funding for multiple properties in a single business

Demand rising for takeaway deliveries

ONE in eight UK adults have reported getting delivery from a restaurant or takeaway either for the first time, or more often than usual...
bin full of plastic

Deposit return is delayed to 2022

THE launch date for deposit return has been pushed back to the spring of 2022. New regulations, published last month as the coronavirus crisis ramped up, have postponed the implementation of DRS. Deposit return was initially slated for a 1 April 2021 launch date.
trolley with tp

Virus rocks retail

THE UK is enduring the biggest change to daily life since the Second World War, and Scotland’s retailers are on the front lines.

Support: what’s on offer for businesses

THE funding packages and reliefs available to retailers and other businesses has been changing on a near daily basis since early March.
paper delivery site

Delivering the news

BRITAIN’S biggest newspaper publishers have come together to offer free home news delivery during the coronavirus crisis.
4 retailers

Retailers react to coronavirus

GROCERY sales are currently booming as fears surrounding the surge in coronavirus cases have led to shoppers purchasing more goods as they prepare for long stints indoors.
Bags in trolley, green bg

Forging ahead despite rain

A WET February put the dampeners on total retail sales according to the latest SRC-KPMG Scottish retail sales monitor – but food sales managed to hold strong.
2 cust infront of empty shelves

No panic in the aisles

PANIC buying may not be as prolific as it appears according to data from Kantar.
lidl exterior

Lidl locks down lead over rivals

BEFORE the COVID-19 outbreak led to a boost in spending across the grocery sector, the discounters were continuing to storm ahead in the UK, according to figures from Kantar and Nielsen.

Coronavirus: what retail needs to know

As an employer, you have a duty of care to your employees in relation to health and safety, and indeed towards other individuals, including workers/contractors and visitors to your premises.

Coronavirus rates relief welcomed

NEXT month’s business rates hike has been put on hold thanks to a package of measures aimed at reducing the impact of the coronavirus...