Barr scraps money back

As Scottish Government considers deposit and returns system Irn-Bru giant brings returns to an end as it invests £5m at Cumbernauld SCOTTISH soft drinks giant...

Wage response

THE Association of Convenience Stores is calling on retailers to respond to its National Living Wage survey 2016 to help prepare a response to...

Fireworks change

NEW pyrotechnics legislation making changes to firework retailers’ record-keeping practices and signage, has come into force,the Association of Convenience Stores reports on its website. The...
Rockstar Freeze

WIN! New Rockstar Freeze

AG Barr is offering three retailers the chance to win eight cases of Rockstar Freeze, an exciting new variant which delivers an innovative cooling...

SGF blasts e-cig ad ban

THE Scottish Grocers Federation has strongly criticised proposals to give the Scottish government wide-ranging powers to ban the advertising of electronic cigarettes, contained in...

No stopping One Stop

ONE Stop is set to open three fully re-fitted franchise stores in Scotland during September. A cold start site is also in the final stages...

Bring it on

Renfrew retailer Mohammed Jamil reveals his plan to open a new c-store across the street from Aldi By John McNee MOHAMMED Jamil has 25 years of...

Camelot extends Lotto outlets

NATIONAL Lottery operator Camelot is to give retailers who currently have Scratchcard-only terminals the opportunity to sell tickets for National Lottery draw-based games, such...

Five year licence bans scrapped

THE five-year bans on holding a personal licence for alcohol retailing imposed on people who failed to undertake refresher training or lodge their refresher...

Proxy stings

A summer campaign to reduce the number of adults in North Lanarkshire who buy alcohol for under-18s saw 44 offences being detected by last...

Small and mighty

SOME retailers might not consider 400 sq ft a lot of room – to Idnan Hanif, of U-Save in Stoneyburn in West Lothian, it...

Poorest food result in 16 years

THERE was no let up in the tough market for food and drink in Scotland in July in figures from the Scottish Retail Consortium/KPMG...

Industry slams DRS proposals

THE deposit return system (DRS) under consideration by the Scottish Government, that would see shops required to take in returns of many plastic, glass...

List maker now online

IMPERIAL Tobacco has launched a new price list online tool for retailers at The service is available for free to all retailers and...

Awards profile – The dairy award (milk) 2015

Winner: Spar Dalrymple The Dairy Award (Milk) - Sponsored by Müller Wiseman Dairies Interview with Angela Pattie, manager (right). Store details Size: 2,800 sq ft Opening hours: 7am – 10pm...
Colin Smith

Awards profile – Symbol Store of the Year (single-store) 2015

Winner: Pinkie Farm convenience store, Musselburgh Symbol Store of the year (single-store business) – in association with Scottish Grocer magazine Interview with Colin Smith, owner (pictured...