Tag: law

Moving closer to a year of change

IT’S a product category that has already been subject to shedloads of outside-influenced change and regulation but tobacco looks set for a great deal...
Licensing fees are supposed to pay for the workings the system but he suspects they may turning a profit for some of the councils that administer them.

Variations on a theme – Trade still looking for answers

The Scottish Government has been consulting on the workings of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. Several areas of the law were highlighted for consideration....
Catriona Munro is a partner in the EU competition and regulatory team at and a member of the firm’s Food & Drink group

Legal advice – Don’t pay the price for careless chat

Be very careful who you discuss pricing with. It will soon become easier for authorities to prosecute on price fixing. By Catriona Munro COMPETITION in food...
Euan McSherry, is associate partner in the retail sector group at DWF LLP

It’s clearly time for a dose of transparency

The current Scottish Government consultation on the licensing laws should consider some of the nitty gritty difficulties of administration By Euan McSherry THE sale of alcohol...
The Scottish Government is still on track to introduce a minimum alcohol unit price of 50p.

Round 1 goes to Holyrood

Whisky group vows to fight on as Scotland’s courts back parliament’s right to pass minimum pricing SCOTLAND’S whisky industry says it will fight on and...
Peter Muir is head of rating with Colliers International in Scotland.

A rates strategy that will do serious harm

One of Scotland’s leading rating experts argues that businesses in Scotland should lobby urgently for a Holyrood u-turn by Peter Muir THE Scottish Government has...