Tag: Dr Oetker

Deal shoppers in to boost takings

DINNER parties may be on the up and up. But it’s also clear that many Big Nights In, perhaps especially those involving sports watching,...

Baking the most of the scares

THE influence of American popular culture has helped Halloween grow into one of the most popular home-baking occasions behind Christmas and Easter, reckons Dr...
Dr Oetker

Summer drizzle

HOME-baking brand Dr Oetker says it latest product will take the mess out of baking. Dr Oetker Flavour Drizzles are available in Lemon, Raspberry and...

Convenience is freezer king

Pizza and confectionery lead the field in a year when frozen food sales value holds LAST year was another year of growth for frozen food,...

Calzone debut from Ristorante

Frozen pizza brand Dr. Oetker Ristorante has launched a new addition to its range – Ristorante Calzone Speciale. The Pizza Calzone Speciale is a folded...

A piece of cake

ANNUAL sales of icing and marzipan are worth £35m a year according to Dr Oetker and, it says, 47% of those sales are recorded...

Baking with added bite

Scratch baking is the preferred baking method for most Britons and cake ingredients and decorations remain in growth according to Dr Oetker. And it says total...

Baking goes back to the bean

Home-baking brand and manufacturer Dr. Oetker UK is adding to its established vanilla range with new Madagascan Vanilla Bean Paste. The new product comes in a...

Frozen set to move on

THE last 12 months saw the slowest growth in frozen foods in the UK for many years according to the latest market update from...

Quick cake in a cup

Dr Oetker reckons it can counter category decline in cake mixes with its new Mug Cake. Designed for quick use, the  pack contains the ingredients...
Brand Associates

Building brands by association

BRAND Associates, the Glasgow-based brokerage firm run by Jim and Rosie Hutton, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. A decade ago Jim,...
baking, cakes, scottish grocer,

Bakes rising

HOME baking saw a year on year increase of 0.9 % last year according to Dr Oetker. Gill Davies, executive head of marketing (ambient) at...

Home bakers grab a chance to show off

MINCE pies, Christmas cake, Yule log... it’s the season when home bakers have a licence to show off and wow friends and family with...

Even better look for Dr Oetker

HOME baking specialist Dr Oetker has redesigned its packaging, using turquoise with red and white across the range and adding vivid photographs. The £500,000...
FOLLOWING the success of its edible flower cake decorations – which sold nearly £1m last year – Dr Oetker is launching a range of wafer butterflies for cupcakes and sponges.

Edible deco by Dr Oetker

FOLLOWING the success of its edible flower cake decorations – which sold nearly £1m last year – Dr Oetker is launching a range of...