Tag: Swizzels

Bags of new candy choice

IT’S not only chocolate that enjoys a spring in sales around Easter time. According to Swizzels, sugar confectionery also sees a boost and it says...

Sales sugar and spice

The only subcategory within confectionery that is growing is sugar confectionery, now worth £242m having grown by 3% in the last year, says Chewits. Looking...

Sugar choices go bigger and softer

MAIN trends in the confectionery market, according to Swizzels, include increasing interest in and purchase of large packs, and growing sales of gums and...

Soaring sales for sharing

Consumer buying habits have changed in recent times according to Swizzels marketing manager Sarah-Louise Heslop, and it has meant that bagged confectionery sales have soared. She...

Bagged and tagged

IT looks like there could be a Battle of the Bags brewing – and it will be fought in the nation’s convenience stores. Stores under...

A season for sweets

NOVELTY and nostalgia are, in many respects, what Christmas is all about. And confectionery firms say sweets are ideally placed to deliver both. In the...