Tag: Scottish Retail Consortium

Deflation takes food down 2.6%

There appears to be no let-up in the tough times faced by food retailers in Scotland. According to the latest Scottish Retail Consortium/ KPMG Scottish...

Easter shift sees 5% dip

Food sales sharply down but retail monitor team says three-month average is best for more than a year. SUCCESS in the grocery sector is currently...

Earlier Easter boosts food

MARCH was a good month for Scotland’s food retailers, with sales helped along by the timing of Easter, according to the regular survey carried...

Industry makes its budget case

• Greater predictability sought over the minimum wage • Calls for measures to encourage retail investment WITH the budget just around the corner industry bodies have been putting...

Food falls but is best sector

DESPITE being down 1.4% on the same month a year earlier, food sales in Scotland during January 2015 recorded their best performance since June...
Scottish Retail Consortium, David Lonsdale, Iain Gulland, Zero Waste Scotland, A Better Retailing Climate,

Retail pitches 2020 vision

THE Scottish Retail Consortium used its Holyrood Parliamentary Reception, last month, to launch a new set of commitments for environmental sustainability, including targets to...

Black Friday fails to boost food

• Footfall jumps as deep discount offers attract shoppers • But food and drink registers seventh straight decline THE number of people visiting stores in Scotland increased in...

Murphy to lead retail body

ANDREW Murphy, retail director at John Lewis, is the new chairman of the Scottish Retail Consortium. Murphy took on the role on 1 January...

Time to get back to work

SCOTLAND’S people have voted to remain a part of the United Kingdom and now, the country’s independent retailers have been left to consider what...
August provided further disappointment for Scotland’s food retailers, with like-for-like sales down by 3.5%. However, the gap between the decline in Scotland and that in the UK has narrowed again.

Summer food sales slide

SCOTLAND’S food retailers have continued to see a fall in sales, according to the Scottish Retail Consortium and accountant KPMG. Figures for August show food...
Shoppers continued to benefit from severe price competition between food and drink retailers but it meant like-for-like food sales in Scotland in June were down on the previous year.

Not a flaming June for food

Continuing discount promos and a cool start to the school holidays mean sales move down again FOOD sales in Scotland continued to struggle in June,...

Late Easter saves sluggish sales

Lacklustre seasonal boost means underlying food sales are in decline Holyrood says first quarter retail growth shows economy is in steady growth A late Easter...
The Scotmid store at Barnton in Edinburgh, one the independent co-op’s premium fresh stores.

Food stays good says Scotmid

Scotmid saw its profit dip last year. In all the circumstances, says chief executive John Brodie, it was a reasonable result. AS reported in the...
Food sales suffered in March compared to the same month last year. The figures are distorted by the timing of Easter (March last year, April this year) but still point to an underlining decline in sales across Scotland.

Chill goes on as deals hit prices

Late Easter distorts sales figures but first three months show Scotland well behind UK performance MARCH was a poor month for food retailers across Scotland,...
Figures from the Scottish Retail Consortium KPMG Scottish Retail Sales monitor showed that, in February, total food sales in Scotland suffered their biggest drop, excluding Easter variations, since the programme’s records began in January 1999.

Food sales slump in February chill

Like-for-likes down more than 3% as competition and margin pressures lead to the biggest drop this century A WET, windy February brought bitter news for...
Times may have been tough in recent years but retailers surveyed by confectionery wholesaler Hancocks seem to think things have been looking up more recently and they expect confectionery to do well in 2014.

Sweet taste of good times

Confectionery wholesaler finds retailers upbeat about 2013 and forecasting a good time ahead FOOD and drink sales figures reported by the Scottish Retail Consortium have...