Tag: Scottish Grocers’ Federation

“Historic” c-store group established

HOLYROOD has given its backing to a proposal from the Scottish Grocers’ Federation and MSP Gordon MacDonald to establish the first-ever Scottish Parliament Cross...

Pay hikes not sustainable

Retailer groups say proposed NLW increases will cut staff totals PLANNED increases to the National Living Wage could be unsustainable, convenience retail bodies have warned. The...

SGF talks tax at No 10

Minister says give us your online competition ideas ONLINE grocery shopping and its effect on convenience retailing headed the agenda when the Scottish Grocers Federation...

Certas Energy joins the SGF

CERTAS Energy has announced a tie-up with the Scottish Grocers’ Federation as it looks to further strengthen its retail business. With a Scottish network...

Retail concern as UK takes the exit

Scottish retailers have expressed concern after UK voters opted to leave the EU. Though the vote was a close one across the UK, with 52%...

SGF signs up Bestway

RETAILER representative group the Scottish Grocers Federation has signed up the giant independent UK wholesale group Bestway to the organisation. Bestway has 63 Bestway and...

SGF adds legal hotlines

THE Scottish Grocers Federation, in partnership with TLT, has launched two new legal hotlines to provide members with advice on licensing and employment issues...

Certas Energy ties in with SGF

Certs Energy, the largest independent fuel and lubricant distributors in the UK, with more than 500 Gulf branded forecourts and serving 1,200 service stations,...

We’ll reconsider shopworker law

Parties tell SGF hustings that Holyrood could look again at parity with emergency services for offences against store staff CALLS for shop workers to be...

Minimum wage to jump 3.7%

THE national minimum wage for workers under 25 will reach its highest ever level in October, it has been announced. Last month, the Westminster government...
Healthier options

Time to put health on promotion

Since 2004 the Scottish Grocers Federation Healthy Living Programme has been working with local retailers to boost sales of fruit and vegetables and other...
SGF chief executive Pete Cheema

Protect store workers

SGF looks to rekindle attempts to get emergency service link. THE Scottish Grocers Federation has called for shop workers to be given the same legal...

SGF plans crime seminar

RETAILER representative group the Scottish Grocers Federation is to hold a crime seminar, at which it will launch its SGF Scottish Crime Report, in...

£5k grants to cut energy use

SCOTLAND’S c-stores are being given access to a £100,000 funding pot to help improve energy efficiency. The Convenience Store Resource Efficiency Grant – a Scottish...

SGF and PayPoint launch forum

Convenience industry trade group the Scottish Grocers’ Federation and payments service company PayPoint have announced that they are to set up a regular schedule...

Set for a capitals showdown?

17 of 24 Queen’s Speech Bills to apply north of border and Scotland Bill could mean major Edinburgh tax and welfare powers SCOTLAND’S and the...