Tag: Police Scotland

Daniel Johnson MSP worked to bring the bill into power in Scotland in 2021.

MSP highlights retail crime crisis

Labour MSP Daniel Johnson has highlighted the recent rise in retail crime in a letter to the chief constable of Police Scotland that was signed by a number of convenience channel leaders.
A campaign to tackle underage drinking and youth disorder has been launched across Scotland. The “It’ll Cost You!” programme is a collaboration between Police Scotland, local authorities and alcohol producers and retailers and aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects and criminal nature of buying alcohol for under-18s.

Campaign aims to cut underage drinking

Police, retailers, alcohol producers and councils are launching a Scotland-wide "It'll Cost You!" campaign to drive down underage drinking and associated anti-social behaviour.
Maxine Fraser and Pete Cheema

Standing up to the criminals

Convenience channel chiefs and workers were given top tips on tackling crime at a major Scottish Grocers’ Federation (SGF) annual event last month.

Retail industry backs crime fighting bill at Holyrood

SCOTTISH retail groups and trade associations were united in backing a bill that aims to give shop workers enhanced protection from abuse and assault. Addressing...

Retail bill moves closer

Retail employees could soon receive extra protection under the law

Retailers on top of MUP roll out

Report finds c-stores as good as multiples .
men pointing at camera

Catching out the proxy purchasers

A PROXY purchasing campaign in North Lanarkshire has reported 38 adults caught buying alcohol for children.
Gemma Sellar and Stephanie Karté explain RAC’s partnership with schools.

Intelligence key to fighting crime

Sharing resources and knowledge top of the agenda at Retailers Against Crime conference

Clamping down on proxy purchasing

POLICE Scotland is targeting adults purchasing alcohol for underage children in North Lanarkshire this month as part of its ongoing ‘You’re asking for it’ campaign.

‘You’re asking for it’ campaign heads to North Lanarkshire

ADULTS who buy alcohol for children in North Lanarkshire are asking for a fine of up to £5,000 – or even a jail term. That’s...

Don’t go asking for it

EDINBURGH retailers have joined forces with Police Scotland and the City of Edinburgh Council to battle proxy purchasing. The ‘You’re Asking for It’ campaign includes...

Proxy purchase campaign wins award

A retailer-focused campaign to tackle the ongoing issue of proxy purchase, has been officially recognised by Police Scotland as being the project that made...