Tag: McDonalds

McCain drives support for McDonald’s charity

McCain Foods has marked 35 years of the Ronald McDonald House Charities UK with massive donations to help take some stress out of families' challenging times.
The bottles made using hydrogen gas as the main energy source for the glass furnace.

Hydrogen bottles a glass act from Bacardi

Spirits maker Bacardi has been trialling new technology that allows it to produce glass bottles in a more eco-friendly way, while other food and drinks giants are involved in a project to support regenerative agriculture.
girl putting rubbish in bin

Going loopy for recycling

For the first time, people in Edinburgh will now be able to recycle coffee cups, plastic bottles and cans on the street.

Glasgow cuts down on cups

City targets disposable coffee cups .
Irn-Bru branded delivery trucks have been carrying “Give Your Litter A Lift” stickers in support of Keep Scotland Beautiful’s anti-roadside litter campaign.

Taking it with you

AG Barr sticks it to litter bugs through campaign