Tag: licence

Last chance for vital refresher training

Personal licence holders who gained their licence when laws changed in 2009 must do top-up training by end of this month Slow uptake leads to...
Licensing fees are supposed to pay for the workings the system but he suspects they may turning a profit for some of the councils that administer them.

Variations on a theme – Trade still looking for answers

The Scottish Government has been consulting on the workings of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. Several areas of the law were highlighted for consideration....
Training courses for the required Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders should be in place from later this summer. Those who gained their certificates in the transition period up to 1 September 2009 will have to complete refresher training before 1 December 2014.

Early licence holders need to refresh – Deadline for resits

IT’S time to go back to school for some of the country’s earliest holders of the Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders. The Licensing (Scotland)...
Niall Hassard is a solicitor in Lindsays licensing and dispute resolution and litigation teams

When shops want to call time at the pub

There’s no shortage of former pubs looking for a new use. If you want to replace a bar with a convenience store what do...
Euan McSherry, is associate partner in the retail sector group at DWF LLP

It’s clearly time for a dose of transparency

The current Scottish Government consultation on the licensing laws should consider some of the nitty gritty difficulties of administration By Euan McSherry THE sale of alcohol...