Loyalty to Lucozade Sport will drive sales

Suntory Beverage & Food says familiar drink brands are must-stocks

Lucozade Sport Zero Sugar will appeal to new customers, say Suntory.
Lucozade Sport Zero Sugar will appeal to new customers, say Suntory.

LOYALTY matters for the convenience sector, whether that’s down to the store of choice or the brand.

Banking on consumer loyalty will be a surefire way to drive up sales for drinks this summer and keeping in key brands that consumers go to without even thinking will pay off.

That’s the take from Suntory Beverage & Food (SBF) which reckons that customer loyalty to the Lucozade Sport brand will help to provide a strong performance in c-stores this summer.

Matt Gouldsmith, channel director at SBF GB&I, said: “Sport drink shoppers are incredibly loyal, and the sport drink market is in very strong growth, with year-on-year sales up 41.1% in the convenience channel.”

To make the most of this, Gouldsmith has shouted out about the new release under the Lucozade Sport brand with Lucozade Sport Zero Sugar, which he said will capitalise on the demand for low/no-sugar options as well as bringing in new customers to the Lucozade Sport brand.

He said: “Containing only four calories per serving and zero sugar, Lucozade Sport Zero Sugar is designed to appeal to consumers who don’t currently buy into the Lucozade Sport brand. With 77% of the UK population taking part in regular exercise, Lucozade Sport Zero Sugar meets a consumer need for great-tasting, low-calorie and zero-sugar hydration.