BEER may be seen as a big-night-in staple but many spirits firms have been arguing for some time that retailers shouldn’t underestimate the growing consumption of spirits and cocktails in the home.
Drinks giant Diageo says the spirits category is worth £3.7bn in the off-trade and ‘party time’ occasions, including up-tempo nights and celebrations, are in 11% growth.
Quoting market analyst HIM, Diageo says spirits have the highest share of consumption in ‘party time’ occasions at 33% and spirits over-index for ‘party time’, with 60% of shoppers likely to choose vodka over wine and beer.
Paul Isherwood, head of off-trade category development for Diageo GB, referring to HIM and Nielsen findings, said 18% of spirits shoppers in convenience say that ‘premium options’ are most important to them when selecting a product in store and that one in five spirits shoppers in convenience outlets say they would like to see more premium options in store.
Fractional sizes are driving growth in spirits, and are ideal for the big-night-in opportunities, he said.
“However, just because consumers aren’t venturing out, doesn’t mean they are willing to leave behind the theatre and excitement of drinking in pubs and bars. So, retailers should look to stock interesting products to keep customers engaged,” said Global Brands, marketing director Simon Green.
Recent substantial growth of gin in the off-trade has created an opportunity for retailers to up-sell gin and the accompanying premium mixers, he argued.
Global Brands recently launched Franklin & Sons, a range of four premium tonics and mixers. Developed, says the firm, to be artisanal and to provide an exciting twist on the modern classics, the range includes Natural Indian Tonic Water, Natural Light Tonic Water, Sicilian Lemon Tonic and Original Ginger Ale.