Tag: Scottish Wholesale Association
United depot to double in size
• Drinks to be added to Glasgow south side unit
• Edinburgh depot planned for 2014
• Former Today’s chief joins board
GLASGOW-based wholesaler United Wholesale (Scotland) is to double...
Guide for New Tobacco Display Laws goes onto iPhones
THE Fingertip Guide to the New Tobacco Display Laws, produced earlier this year by the Scottish Wholesale Association and the Scottish Grocers’ Federation with...
Don’t give risk a bad rap says SWA – Mentoring Programme
TRAINING and mentoring will play a major role in Scottish Wholesale Association activity over the next year, the organisation’s annual conference was told last...
A tailor-made service to suit retail
IN a highly competitive market, retailers need to find a point of difference and be able to offer their customers something that others don’t....
Supermarkets go into the dark
Trade bodies launch guide and app as small stores enter final two years of tobacco display
SCOTLAND’S retail industry has begun its journey into the...
The big question – referendum on independence in 2014
Wholesalers conference to debate Scottish independence
SWA Annual Conference, 14 - 16 June 2013, Crieff Hydro
AS Scotland gears up for the referendum on independence in...