Tag: George Osborne

Reduce rates to counter NLW

THE Scottish Retail Consortium has urged chancellor George Osborne to cushion the costs to large businesses of the Apprenticeship Levy in his budget on...

Scots MPs scupper English Sunday trading changes

THE Westminster Government has postponed plans to give English and Welsh councils the power to lift the six hours Sunday trading restriction on large...

Minimum wage set to soar

National Minimum Wage to hit £7.20 in 2016 New National Living Wage of £9 by 2020 Convenience retailers have been left reeling by last month’s Budget announcement,...

PM signals pay change

Tax credits in the firing line as pre summer Budget speech says Britain should become a high-wage economy BRITAIN’S retailers and many retail workers could...

Freeze duty and hit fraudsters

Trade groups send Osborne their budget wish lists ALCOHOL taxes and the criminality they encourage are top of the hitlist for trade bodies trying to...
Jane Green is a partner and head of the Employment & Pensions team at Maclay Murray & Spens LLP and a member of the firm’s Food and Drink team.

Employee shares – tread carefully

Involving staff in ownership of retail and other businesses could be beneficial. But it could also lead to confusion over the status of different...

Back business Osborne told

RETAILERS have asked Chancellor George Osborne to use the budget to help them get through the recession. That is, they say, within his power....