Monster beating market

Monster Ultra Violet can

FLAVOURED energy drinks enjoying excellent growth in Great Britain according to figures released by Coca-Cola European Partners.

Quoting figures sourced from Nielsen, the firm revealed flavoured energy is growing by over £24m year on year.

And, CCEP says, while the energy drinks sector has seen growth slow in recent years, its Monster brand is up 22.7% year on year, delivering the best value growth among the top ten soft drinks, at £23.8m.

Trade communications manager Amy Burgess said: “Innovation remains a key driver to the success of the energy sector and much of this is coming from a focus on low or zero sugar variants.

“The Monster Energy Ultra range, which offers four zero sugar fruit flavours, has seen a huge increase of over 112% in the last year , highlighting consumer demand.”

Burgess added: “The Monster Energy Ultra and Punch ranges have been hugely successful and tap into demand, we introduced two new flavours. The first to be unveiled was Monster Ultra Violet, the fifth addition to the Ultra portfolio.”