Ad takes viewer to surreal town

CRAVENDALE milk has been popping up on television screens as part of a new multi-million pound marketing campaign.
The new ‘Moonicow’ campaign focuses on freshness, with a TV ad pointing to the filtration process which Cravendale undergoes, suggesting that this extends the life of the brand beyond its competitors.
The ad, which is filmed in the style of a mockumentary, takes viewers to the fictional village of Cravendale where the residents, known as Cravendalians, attribute the fresh taste of Cravendale to the mythical Moonicow.
Stu Ibberson, senior director for marketing at Cravendale parent firm Arla Foods UK commented: “Arla Cravendale is one of Britain’s best loved brands, consumed by families across the country.
“We are very excited to be launching the Moonicow campaign, which reinforces the fresh taste of Cravendale milk which we know our customers value.
“Milk is one of the most important foods produced in the UK and forms an important part of our daily routine.”
The launch of the Moonicow campaign follows Arla Foods’ repositioning of its Arla Organic Farm Milk brand to highlight its free-range credentials to shoppers.
Following the launch of the brand earlier this year, Arla renamed its organic milk Arla Organic Free Range Milk and redesigning labels to make the free-range claim.
The new packaging has been supported by TV advertising which shows the relationship between a dairy farmer and nature.
Tomas Pietrangele, MD of Arla Foods UK, said: “We believe there is headroom to grow the organic milk category and make organic milk accessible to consumers.”
• Arla’s Strategy 2020 is a commitment from the firm to grow the value of its farmer owners’ milk by developing the firm’s position as a global dairy company.
The strategy involves Arla focussing on excelling in eight dairy categories: milk and powder; milk-based beverages; spreadable cheese; yogurt; butters and spreads; speciality cheese; mozzarella; ingredients, including whey.