THE tobacco retailing scene has already been affected by large amounts of legislation, regulation, legal challenge and appeal now there’s a chance of future confusion because of the United Kingdom’s – and maybe quite separately Scotland’s – relationship with the European Union in years to come.
Right now we’re going through a year-long transition period to new rules. Some – the plain packs rules – are down to Westminster. Many other new rules – including the ban on packs of less than 20 cigarettes or of less than 30g of RYO tobacco – are happening because the UK and other EU countries have to implement the rules in the amended European Union Tobacco Products Directive (EUTPD2). But now the UK is on track to leave the EU. Will it affect tobacco retailing? Will any further rules have to be implemented in the UK if it’s in the single market?
To date the major tobacco companies and organisations are stressing that we remain in the EU and we’re likely to do so at least for two years after the withdrawal process is triggered.
So for now all the new rules will be implemented and in all other respects it’s regulatory business as usual.