Lifestyle education

LUCOZADE Ribena Suntory reckons manufacturers have a role to play in encouraging consumers to have  balanced lifestyles.

Category director Georgina Thomas said: “This would have a positive impact on the food and drink industry, specifically the soft drinks market.

Ribena RTD range“Soft drinks will continue to grow if manufacturers remain focused on looking for exciting ways to meet consumers’ needs.”

Ribena has added an Orange & Guava flavour to its range.

Thomas said: “ Orange with a secondary flavour is driving performance of the overall orange flavour segment.”

• POM Wonderful  has introduced a 190ml  single-serve bottle designed, says the brand owner, to appeal to impulse buyers.

The launch of the new bottle came at the same time as new packaging for its entire range was unveiled.

European brand manager Philip Vandaele said: “POM Wonderful as a brand is constantly evolving.

“We are excited by the prospects of our portfolio for 2015.”