REFRIGERATION expert Enviroglow has launched what it calls “the most efficient open-deck dairy case on the planet”.
After 18 months of R&D and live testing the new open-deck refrigeration unit – called E-volve – has gone into full production.
“We have been installing retro-fitted technologies onto existing fridges for over five years now, so it made complete sense for us to partner with an already tried and tested fridge manufacturer to produce our own unit,” said Mark Crabtree, managing director of Enviroglow.
The fridge incorporates a number of special technologies, two of which are patented or patent pending.
“The new fridge will run up to 54% more efficiently than a standard open-deck system, and up to 26% more efficiently than a fridge with doors,” said Crabtree.
The units are available in three widths and two heights.
“Our customers have been asking for this for some time, however it was important that not only did we achieve the maximum efficiency, but the aesthetics, customer access and replenishment access also had be right,” he said.
A 2,000 sq ft c-store with open-deck cabinets spends around £10,500 a year on refrigeration. Enviroglow reckons that, with the right technologies, a total site could run at that cost.