Tag: Biffa
Convenience in brief | Co-op, Biffa, Loch Lomond Whiskies
Scottish Grocer highlights three stories that tell convenience retailers about the latest developments and news from the Co-op, Biffa and Loch Lomond Whiskies.
Biffa takes legal action against ScotGov over DRS
Waste management firm Biffa has confirmed it is seeking legal action against the Scottish Government following the collapse of the deposit return scheme.
A step for DRS prep
Up to 60 jobs are set to be created in Aberdeen by waste management firm Biffa in preparation for the deposit return scheme.
Plan for DRS now says Biffa
Waste management firm Biffa has called on retailers to start planning for Scotland’s deposit return scheme before it is scheduled to go live on 16 August 2023.
Another DRS milestone
DEPOSIT return scheme administrator Circularity Scotland has appointed Biffa, the waste management firm, as the official logistics provider for DRS.
A return to form for the Federation
THE Federation of Independent Retailers (NFRN) welcomed guests back to the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Glasgow on 29 March for the return of its annual Scottish conference.