Tag: Ayrshire

Summer fresh

Summer fresh – Sales heating up for Scotty Brand

AWARD-winning Scottish soft fruit supplier Scotty Brand is feeling the full effects of the scorching weather we’ve had for part of the summer. Its strawberries...
New HQ is in the bag

The nation’s thirst for fizz – Soft drinks

AS Mark Thomson’s analysis on page 40 pointed out, Scottish consumers are very keen on soft drinks. And soft drinks is certainly a category where...
SCOTTISH produce specialist Scotty Brand is welcoming summer with new soft fruits and salad leaves. The strawberries, from Bruce Farm in Ayrshire, will arrive in stores this month, with the raspberries joining them in July.

Salad days for Scotty Brand

SCOTTISH produce specialist Scotty Brand is welcoming summer with new soft fruits and salad leaves. The strawberries, from Bruce Farm in Ayrshire, will arrive...