RVM firm teams up with SGF

RVM Systems

REVERSE vending machine firm RVM Systems Ltd has joined the Scottish Grocers’ Federation – as Scotland’s c-store retailers prepare for the rollout of DRS in Scotland next year.

Scheduled to go live on August 2023, DRS will require Scotland’s retailers to take back drinks containers included in the scheme – and pay out deposits to customers.

SGF chief executive Pete Cheema said RVM System’s experience will “greatly benefit convenience retailers.”

“I am delighted to welcome RVM Systems Ltd into the Federation.

“The convenience sector operates in a hypercompetitive market place where customers demand high quality products at a competitive price, but in enjoying these benefits want to know that they can do so in an environmentally responsible way.”

Claudia Marshall, managing director of RVM Systems. said: “We are thrilled to become an SGF corporate member and to support the convenience sector for a successful launch of the Scottish deposit return scheme.

“With our long-term experience from existing DRS markets and our high technology reverse vending machines, automating the process of collecting, recognising, sorting and storing of used beverage drink containers – we deliver bespoke, efficient solutions and professional installations and service support.”