Spirited ABV-free NPD


ALCOHOL-free spirit Strykk has a new variant, Strykk Not Vanilla V*dka, bringing the brand’s core range to a total of four flavours.

Available exclusively through Funkin Cocktails, the new variant is priced £18.99 RRP, in line with other core Strykk flavours.

Brand owner Elegantly Spirited reckons Strykk’s latest launch can tap into growing demand for low and no-ABV spirits, with Mintel research suggesting 34% of cocktail drinkers now also enjoy alcohol-free cocktails.

Alex Carlton, chief executive of Elegantly Spirited and co-founder of Strykk, said: “Consumers want to maintain social rituals and with the introduction of Strykk Not Vanilla V*dka drinkers can stay in the round and enjoy cocktails, such as Passionfruit or Espresso Martini, minus the alcohol.”

Carlton said: “Strykk Not Vanilla V*dka represents a huge trade-up opportunity, giving consumers a non-alcoholic alternative to a favourite flavoured spirit.”

• Launched in 2018, the Strykk range also includes Not G*n, Not R*m and Not V*dka variants.