The range of drinks that convenience retailers have to consider, and potentially stock and display, has widened greatly in recent years. Today, with our exclusive Nielsen research we identify category trends and brand performances in the Scottish off-trade of some key alcohol categories (with more to follow in upcoming editions). You can measure how your store did last year against the category and brand results and find growing new brands to check out.
[btn link=”https://issuu.com/peeblesmedia/docs/topofthetrade_march2016″ color=”red” size=”size-xl” target=”_blank”]Click to read the full article[/btn]
The figures in Scottish Grocer’s exclusive Scottish off-trade’s most valuable brands guide are provided by leading market research company Nielsen. Figures are Nielsen ScanTrack for total Scottish off-trade and are moving annual totals (MATs) for the year to 2 January 2016 and are compared to the MATs for the previous year – to 3 January 2015.