Lucozade and Ribena on the market

18c_0513PHARMACEUTICALS giant GlaxoSmithKline has put its drinks brands Ribena and Lucozade up for sale to concentrate on its core business.
Global sales of Ribena grew by 2% in the first three months of this year. Lucozade fell 2% over the same period, with sales in Europe dropping by 7%.
Both drinks were owned by Beecham prior to its merger with SmithKline in 1989. Lucozade was invented as a health drink in 1927 while Ribena was created a decade later and given as a vitamin tonic during the war.
No buyer has publicly come forward for the two brands, valued by some at ÂŁ1bn. Japanese group Suntory, which bought Orangina in 2009, has previously been mentioned as a potential purchaser.